May 16th, 2022 by esigners
The purpose for which you are making the website is the most important point to take into consideration in this particular regard. This is like a mission statement, if you will. It is supposed to spell out why the website in question exists to begin with. The purpose could be anything such as education, service provision, advocacy, and community organization, to name a few. It is the main aim behind creating a website that would decide the content decisions that are taken in this regard and the kind of content that goes into the same.
The audience that you are targeting
One of the first questions that website designers would ask you is regarding the people that you are looking to target with your website. The most wrong answer that you can give in this case is that you are targeting just about everybody. The logic behind such answers is perfectly understandable. However, it is impossible to design a website with everyone in mind. This is the reason why you see so much variety in all the different kinds of products and services around you such as clothes, computers, and cars, to name a few. If you have a specific type of people in mind there is a high chance that your website would be able to fulfill the goals that your organization has.
The objectives of the website
You must have created a strategic plan for your organization – one where you have mentioned the objectives that you wish to attain. Similarly, you must have them for your business website as well. This is where you would be spelling out the main goals that your website is supposed to fulfill. This is where a few questions could be rather helpful. What would you like the visitors to do once they are on your website?
A mobile-friendly responsive design
The term responsive design in this context means that it has been designed in such a way that it would be automatically resized so that it can fit the screen size of the device on which you are visiting it. The bad thing is that it could be highly difficult to retrofit sites that were not designed to be responsive to function that way. You would be able to save a lot more money by simply redesigning the entire site. There was a time when you had two different versions of the same website but they are over now.
The website must have fresh content. Just think of a museum where the exhibits are never changed. Would you ever feel like going there after you have visited it once? We go back to museums just because they keep changing their program schedules as well as what they are showing. The bottom line is that we have new stuff that we get to see every time we are there. Similarly, we would go back to a website only when its content keeps changing, which implies that there would be new stuff for us to see every time we are there.